Government of Jamaica ja-flag
Attorney-General's Chambers
The Attorney-General’s Chambers

Divisions & Legal Service Units

In 1976, various functional Divisions were created in the Chambers to create expertise in specific areas and to provide a framework for the more effective supervision and management of diversified subject matters falling within the purview of the Attorney-General.  A Ministry Paper was prepared and approved in relation to this restructuring of the Chambers.  It is said that the intention was to allow Attorneys to move from division to division to broaden their areas of expertise.

The Attorney-General's Chambers

After Independence

Upon independence, Jamaica became responsible for its international relations.  At first, international affairs were addressed by the seconding of Attorneys from the Chambers to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  This system did not work well and was eventually discontinued.  International affairs are now addressed by the International Affairs Division in the Chambers and Attorneys in the Legal Service Unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Foreign Trade.

Since Independence, the Attorney General’s Chambers has operated from the following locations:

  • 1962 - 1976: The top floor of what is now solely the Supreme Court building (in the area now occupied by the library and Court 9). During this time the Crown Solicitor’s office was located at various locations including Barry Street, King Street and East Street.
  • 1976 - 2001: The Mutual Life Building at 79 Barry Street.
  • 2001 - 2022: The Mutual Life Building (North Tower) 2 Oxford Road, Kingston 5 (renamed the NCB Towers in 2004).
  • 2022 - Present: 13 Hillcrest Avenue .
The Attorney-General is, by virtue of the Constitution, the principal legal adviser to the Government of Jamaica. In performing this function, advice on a wide array of issues of a civil nature is provided; accordingly, the Chambers is divided into five specialist divisions.


The Commercial Affairs Division is responsible for advising the Government of Jamaica on all matters commercial. Its functions include representing the Government in negotiations with national and multinational commercial institutions, particularly as it regards the areas of finance and taxation, and in negotiating international loan agreements (including those more


The Commercial Affairs Division is responsible for advising the Government of Jamaica on all matters commercial. Its functions include representing the Government in negotiations with national and multinational commercial institutions, particularly as it regards the areas of finance and taxation, and in negotiating international loan agreements (including those with the World Bank and foreign commercial banks) and bilateral agreements with foreign states. The work of this Division also involves advising on the issuing of Government paper, project financing (e.g. Highway 2000) as well as Public Private Partnerships and Privatization. The Division also reviews other commercial documents including Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs).


The General Legal Advice Division provides legal advice to all Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) of Government on a wide range of legal matters, including statutory interpretation, pension, employment, construction and negligence matters and provides advisory services to statutory functionaries mandated to hear statutory appeals. The GLA Division more


The Litigation Division is the advocacy arm of the AGC and is therefore responsible for the conduct of all civil proceedings instituted against, and on behalf of, the Government of Jamaica. Matters including Judicial Review and Constitutional Redress are also dealt with in this Division. Attorneys assigned to more


The Litigation Division is the advocacy arm of the AGC and is therefore responsible for the conduct of all civil proceedings instituted against, and on behalf of, the Government of Jamaica. Matters including Judicial Review and Constitutional Redress are also dealt with in this Division. Attorneys assigned to the Litigation Division represent the Government before the Parish Courts, the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal and the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.


The Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Division is responsible for assisting the government in implementing its legislative agenda and ensuring that laws enacted are consistent with the Constitution of Jamaica. This includes vetting and commenting on Cabinet Submissions, Bills and draft Regulations and giving legal advice to Cabinet and more


The Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Division is responsible for assisting the government in implementing its legislative agenda and ensuring that laws enacted are consistent with the Constitution of Jamaica. This includes vetting and commenting on Cabinet Submissions, Bills and draft Regulations and giving legal advice to Cabinet and generally, to the staff and members of Parliament on proposed legislation and matters relating to Parliamentary procedure. The Division is also primarily responsible for advising generally on matters relating to the Access to Information Act and representing the government on appeals before the Access to Information Appeal Tribunal. The Division gives advice to the responsible Minister on appeals made under the Town and Country Planning Act, the Local Improvements Act, the Beach Control Act and the Natural Resources Conservation Authority Act.

Attorneys in this Division also advise the Government of Jamaica on the constitutionality of proposed actions; on the Public Service Regulations, the Judicial Service Regulations and the Police Service Regulations; on matters relating to nationality, citizenship; and issues relating to law reform.


The International Affairs Division provides legal advice to the Government of Jamaica on all matters involving international law, the negotiation and drafting of treaties and other international agreements and protocols, and in relation to the performance of Jamaica’s obligations under them. Attorneys in this Division represent Jamaica more


The International Affairs Division provides legal advice to the Government of Jamaica on all matters involving international law, the negotiation and drafting of treaties and other international agreements and protocols, and in relation to the performance of Jamaica’s obligations under them. Attorneys in this Division represent Jamaica before such organizations as the United Nations and its specialised agencies, the Caribbean Community and Common Market, and other world organizations. The Division is also responsible for the preparation and monitoring of multilateral agreements, treaties and bilateral agreements with foreign states.


The Human Resource Management and Administration Division provides human resource management and development as well as administrative and office management services to the department.

The ‘legal’ Divisions within the AGC require administrative support staff who facilitate and assist the work of the legal officers by providing more


The Human Resource Management and Administration Division provides human resource management and development as well as administrative and office management services to the department.

The ‘legal’ Divisions within the AGC require administrative support staff who facilitate and assist the work of the legal officers by providing services in the following areas: strategic planning; finance and budgeting; human resource management; information and communication technology; documentation and records management; library services; and the overall day-to-day affairs of the AGC.


The material on this website is provided for general information only, and on the understanding that the Attorney General’s Chambers and the Government of Jamaica are not providing professional advice on a particular matter. This website may from time to time contain information that is intended to simplify the law for ease of comprehension. In addition, errors or omissions can occur in the preparation of web pages. The Government of Jamaica and the Attorney General’s Chambers make no representation or warranty, expressed or implied and accept no legal liability or responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of the legal information posted on this website. Before relying on the material users should independently verify its accuracy, completeness, relevance for their purposes and that it is up-to-date. The information obtained on this website is not, or intended to be, legal advice. Visitors of the website should consult an attorney for advice regarding their individual situations.